Suzanne Schroeder curly expert for naturallycurly.com muses about second day hair and first night romances.
Bedhead and men. Bedhead and curls. How much do you really want that man to know about you and your curls in the morning? Most curlies would answer as little as possible. Bedhead has a completely different definition when curls are involved. It is a constant damage control mission. I have tried embracing the idea that my hair couldn't look that bad in the morning. That he will smile with cute sleepy amusement at the state of my curls. Shouldn't he be able to embrace all of me even my frizzy smashed unruly curls in the morning? I like my curls and love this fantasy. I have even thought that my curls could have that sexy wild look. At some point reality comes crashing in. His look of sleepy shock is what I am really waking up to. Some men are better at hiding their expression of horror than others. The problem is that the man is usually as unpredictable as my curls. I can't do anything about the reaction to my curly bedhead, but I can try to get the curls back from the night before. Sneaking out of bed before he wakes up. Getting my little bottles of hair products out of my purse. Hopeful that I can get second day hair. I've brought a hat in case my curls are impossible beyond repair. Quietly back in bed I am thinking why all this crazy effort for the curls and the man? Maybe there is a special pillow that I don't know about that will keep the curls safe? How will I fit that in my purse?
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