Thursday, November 15, 2007

The Bachelor, His Girl, Her Hair

Michelle Breyer, curl expert and co-founder of muses on The Bachelor...

I was watching "The Bachelor" the other night, and it became crystal clear that I could never be on the show. It doesn't matter that I'm a 40-something married woman who isn't a blonde size 4 bombshell with a boob job. It's the fact that my curly hair would be such a mess!!!!
I was watching Jenni and Brad cavort with the dolphins in Cabo, and her hair looked perfect as she emerged from the water. It looked perfect as they gazed at each other over dinner. And I'm sure it looked perfect when they woke up the next morning in their fantasy suite.
Unfortunately for us curlies, our hair isn't so wash and wear. It can morph over the course of a date, especially if you throw in a iittle humidity or a pool - or a little romance. It's something our mates know about us, and hopefully appreciate.
As I watch Bettina's blonde hair whip romantically around her on a sailboat - knowing that mine would like like a huge bush - I console myself with the thought that none of the Bachelors ever ends up with the girl from the Final Rose ceremony anyway.

You can see more of Michelle's work at

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